The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook series are THE definitive guides for Independent Film Makers, in the UK, USA and worldwide. The first edition was published over a decade ago and was hailed as a 'revelation...' Since then the books have gone from strength to strength, selling close to 150,000 copies.
You can buy all the Guerilla Film Makers Handbooks direct from us at Living Spirit, and if you do, where possible we will sign them for you. Buying from places like Amazon reduces our share by up to 95%, so it's a HUGE difference to us all when you choose to buy direct. SO THANK YOU!'
It REALLY does fit in your pocket! It's tiny, it's shiny and it's crammed with tips, tricks, strategies and tactics that YOU can use on your next digital production.
'Passionately written and entertaining to read, this is a brilliant how-to book that makes you want to start plotting your movie straight away.' Lucy Brown, The Stage Newspaper
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'immensely informative, entertaining to read, in a vivid accessible form... a terrific book for anyone interested in films…' BBC Radio 4...
‘This book will save you about five years worth of trials, errors, heart breaks and unpleasant credit-card statements and help take your film-making dreams from fantasy to reality. Totally indispensable…’ - Total Film
608 pages, ISBN 0 8264 1453 2
The all new ABC of independent film making...‘This Guerilla Film Makers Movie Blueprint does for low budget film what Gray did for human anatomy. It exposes completely the complexities
and hidden conflicts that lie unseen beneath the film gloss and shows the aspiring filmmaker how to plot a safe course through them… its 600 pages are packed with essential knowledge and
it weighs in as one point six six kilos of pure gold…’ Netribution Review by James MacGregor...
‘it details absolutely everything you are likely to need to get a low budget picture made….virtually every problem a film maker is likely to encounter is covered in depth…and in
startling detail! Essential reading…’ Ben Frain - Camcorder User
720 pages,
ISBN 0826414648
Guide to film making in the USA... ‘Your book is the greatest resource, filmmaking tool to come along in the last decade! Hell, I would put it up there with any of the technological
advances in the industry, yes, it's that good… Your Handbook is truly the best. Thanks so much for writing it, you have done a service to the indie film community...’ - Chris Gore
‘A great guide to doing the only thing that really matters when it comes to making films - getting out there and making one…’ - Neil LaBute - Writer, Director, Producer (In
The Company of Men, The Shape of Things, Nurse Betty)
560 Pages, ISBN 0826416659
The Documentary Film Makers Handbook features incisive and helpful interviews with dozens of industry professionals, on subjects as diverse as interview techniques, the NBC News Archive,
music rights, setting up your own company, the Film Arts Foundation, pitching your proposal, the Sundance Documentary Fund, the Documentary Channel, the British Film Council, camera hire,
filmmaking ethics, working with kids, editing your documentary, and DVD distribution.
The book also includes in-depth case studies of some of the most successful and acclaimed documentary films of recent years, including March of the Penguins, Born Into Brothels, Control
Room, Dogtown and Z Boys, My Date With Drew, and many more! The Documentary Film Makers Handbook will be an essential resource for anyone who wants to know more about breaking into this
exciting field.